Blog review

An Insightful Idea from Techdirt

Regular readers of Techdirt will notice that a few weeks ago, they began accepting applications for Techdirt Insight Community (if you don't read Techdirt, start; these guys are fucking smart). My best explanation of it is that they are pooling together a talented group of individuals who have knowledge about different technology-related fields. While it would be infeasible to keep this collective on a full-time payroll, having them login occassionally to answer questions on topics within their field for smaller amounts of cash makes good econonomic sense. Rather than having tasks assigned to them, individual members of the community can pick and choose which issues they'd like to work on. I don't know what kinds of rates companies pay to receive advice or answers from the Techdirt Insight Community, but I'm sure that it is well worth it. For a much better explanation, check out this post and video by Techdirt.

I've applied, but been far too busy with work to really get into it. If anyone else out there has applied, or if you are with a company working with Techdirt, I would love to hear about your experiences.


Strumpette and the Death of Corporate Blogging?

Although I appear to be one of the last people in the world to come across Strumpette's blog and its scathing commentary nf the PR scene, don't hate me for it. Instead, take a look at the most recent post on her blog (posted by Phil Hall) talking about whether or not corporate blogs are a necessity. Some people (present company included) have been championing the idea as the next great thing. It's the future, man. It's also the kind of bandwagon-jumping that will probably be the death of me. Phil, though, brings up the point of who actually reads corporate blogs. I do, but only because I have an interest in the subject matter. Even then, only Bill Marriott's blog stands out in my mind and that's just because he's an old man getting paid millions of dollars to blog.

However, I don't think that death is on the doorstep of corporate blogging quite yet. I believe that we are still in the early stages, and that soon we will understand how to make our blogs be something more than just (sometimes) slick marketing tools.

In the meantime, I'll continue to read pretty much whatever is posted on Strumpette, even if its just because there are pictures of Amanda Chapel all over the site.

How not to blog

It is time for a political blog review again. However, this time I just want to share what I just read in Iain Dale's Guide to Political Blogging in the UK. UK A-List blogger Guido Fawkes  (ranked 1 out of 100 on Dale's Top UK Political Blog-list) has this to say about the blog of David Miliband, Secretary of State for the Environment, in Dale's book:  

"The blogger who breaks all the rules (of how not to blog) is David Miliband, the blogging minister. He doesn't connect with the readers, he writes in the aloof jargon rich language of a true policy wonk. His blog is about as politically honest as Pravda in the days of Stalin. He says it is there "to bridge the gap between politicians and the public" but the first comment on his tax-funded ministerial blog for September 2nd is from a former Labour party press officer and the second from a PR man and Labour councillor. My polite comment was not published, so you get the idea. His blog is more about bridging the gap with people who agree with him… Worst of all he hands down his wisdom in a smug self congratulatory tone. His is a master class in how not to blog."

I think I am starting to like this Guido Fawkes character.