Blatchford Bitchslaps Blogs

In the recent weekend edition of the Globe and Mail, columnist Christie Blatchford had a few nasty things to say about blogs and the people who write them (subscription required*). I'd like to quote directly from her article, but it seems that I've forgotten that section at the restaurant I was at this morning. Her main point was that bloggers, like many writers, are in need of an editor. I certainly agree with this, especially because my own duties at BlogCampaigning involve editing posts by Jens and Espen, and I know that my own posts would certainly benefit from some editorial advice (if you've got any, give it freely in the comments). However, I feel that she was unnecessarily harsh and dismissive of blogs and their contents. After telling us that not everyone is cut out to be a writer (placing herself on a pedestal), she says that someone taking up blogging is akin to her taking up surgery or engineering without any training.

This is where I disagree. Blogging is the training. Learning to write publicly is part of the process of becoming a writer. The end result is that some blogs are written by people whose talents far exceed those of anyone working at the Globe and Mail. Had Christie done a few minutes worth of research, she would have quickly discovered one.


*On a side note, I'm pretty pissed of that I can't view the full article on the Globe and Mail site. I paid for a copy of the paper, so why can't I also view the same content, at essentially no cost to the Globe and Mail, freely online? Jens pointed me to the website that sometimes works for getting around things like this.