Mesh's Finest: Matt Mason, Mike Masnick and More

If you were one of the lucky few that caught Mike Masnick's talk at mesh 08, then you are also probably one of those who told Rob Hyndman that it was your favorite part of mesh 08. Mike Masnick is a powerpoint ninja. I mean, he went through 322 slides in about half an hour and not once was a I either bored or felt like he was moving too quickly.

That's probably because, as I've mentioned before, he is probably one of the smartest economic thinkers around today. If you don't believe me (about either this or the powerpoint thing), watch the video of him below (you'll have to select "on demand", then "mesh conference" and then the Mike Masnick presentation).

A close second for for the "smartest economic thinkers around" award from BlogCampaigning has to go to Matt Mason (no relation). Even though he wasn't able to keynote at the 2008 mesh conference, it is definitely worth watching this talk that he gave at the Medici Summit in Arizona. In it, he explains his theory of the Pirate's Dilemma and how manufacturers need to copy the pirates if they are to survive. I don't want to say much more because I think that you should watch the video for yourself. It is about 40 minutes long, but the time will fly.

If you're still thinking about mesh, check out these wicked portraits that Rannie Turingan (aka Photojunkie) took of some of the mesh speakers and delegates (here's me).

And if you still can't get enough, check out this site, which has aggregated all mentions of mesh using tags. Its a pretty cool system, and I'd like to explore it further to see how it works to collect mentions of other event.

That's it for now...until the next post, catch me on Twitter.
