This post on TechCrunch made me think that my earlier post about how social media might be the new hip-hop was way more on point than I had thought. Apparently, the RZA (aka future-crime fightin' gangsta B.O.B.B.Y. Digital) came up with the concept of WuChess, a Wu-Tang-themed online social network based around chess. Even though I'm a fan of the Wu, I don't know how successful this venture will be. There are just too many free chess social networks, and I doubt that the Wu Army cares enough to support this one.
At least least the RZA seems to understand that it can be a good idea to give away his music for free. Wikipedia quotes him as saying that the Razor makes music...
" be heard, personally. And, if somebody download it, if they heard it, then my job was delivered. Of course I love to make the money. I get million dollar album budgets, so of course there's money involved with it. But, personally, as a musician, as an artist, the first thing is to be seen and heard. If you're not seen and heard, who cares? ... I never got pissed off at the Internet kids with the downloading. In fact, I told them, 'Help yourself. Have a good time."
Well put, RZA.
With that, I'll leave you with search for a version of their track "Da Mysteries of Chess boxin'."