I’ve spent a lot of time working with some different teams over the past year on how to get better at creating better presentations for clients.
Here are a few of my favourite resources:
Cloudberry’s Presentation Design Cheat Sheet gives you the basics of how to write and structure a presentation. It’s the type of thing we should be referring to regularly in our own work.
Mark Pollard wrote an excellent essay called How To Make A Presentation Have A Point, and it's an excellent place to go once you’ve got a solid understanding of the basics, and want to start to explore how to tell more of a story with your work.
Aisha Hakim’s “The Art of Deck Making” is probably more so for the creatives among us, but it makes some great points around just how important choosing the right
“Everything I Know I Learned From Powerpoint” by Russell Davies is probably the best book I’ve read this year. As one reviewer describes it, “it’s a love letter to language.” You’ll have fun reading it, and I guarantee it will make you better at whatever job you do at Major Tom. I have a copy if you want to borrow it, and I’ve also ordered one for the office.
Lastly, here’s a link to “Storyteller Tactics For Presentations”, which is a set of cards that outlines different types of story structures or arcs that can be used to make a better point and a more effective presentation.