February 17: Third Tuesday Toronto With Carol Leaman of AideRSS

Although I won't be able to attend this edition of the always-popular Third Tuesday Toronto (I'll be on vacation), I'm looking forward to following everyone's Tweets about it. Carol Leaman, CEO of AideRSS/PostRank will be there to discuss her work at PostRank and how they've managed to stay successful.

From Joe Thornley's post about the event:

How does a social media startup not just survive, but continue to grow in the current economic conditions? Carol Leaman, the CEO of AideRSS, the company behind PostRank, will tell us how when she appears at Third Tuesday Toronto on February 17.

As usual, it takes place at Fionn McCool's on University Ave and my employer, CNW Group, is the sponsor.

Sign up for the event here.