In this era of reputation management and social media, I thought that this comic that I found on Joy Of Tech was particularly relevant. It's also a great reminder for everyone to maybe double-check how much of their personal information is available for colleagues and potential employers to see.
The New York Times also had a similar article about this in their Sunday edition. "Were Henry Ford brought back to life today, he would be most delighted by the Internet: the uninhibited way many people express themselves on the Web makes it easy to supervise the private lives of employees," writes the article's author, Randall Stross. He goes on to say that "the Ford Motor Company maintained a 'Sociological Department' staffed with investigators who visited the homes of all but the highest-level managers. Their job was to dig for information about the employee's religion, spending and savings patterns, drinking habits and how the worker 'amused himself.'"
Espen has a great story about this that we published earlier here. (click here and scroll down to the comments section on Tim Blair's website to see what I mean...just search for Espen's name)
Thanks for reading!