We're Getting The Blog Back Together

Its been a while since we last posted on BlogCampaigning, and I know that a lot of our readers are wondering what happened: PR message boards have been flooded with rumours and speculation, and Jens and I have been getting emails and phone calls at all hours from fans. Everyone has been wondering what happened to BlogCampaigning. The short answer is that we don't really know.

The long answer is that the site got messed up and that I've been super-busy with real life (work, soccer and summer drinking). Thanks to Tommy Vallier at Wordpress by the Minute, we were able to get rid of the spammy links and Javascript that had pervaded our RSS feed (if you need any blog work done, I highly recommend his services).

I haven't been writing much for the site because I was working on a product launch for CNW Group (more on that in an upcoming post), Jens hasn't been writing much because he's been "working on his thesis" (which I equate to playing Xbox), and Heather has probably just been busy with her own blog, Toronto Uncovered.

We still don't know where Espen is, but we hope you like the BlogCampaigning redesign and that you'll continue to read our thoughts about Public Relations, Video Games, Technology and whatever we feel like.

But don't spend too much time reading BlogCampaigningget out there and enjoy the summer weather.
