100 Interesting Things: 1-5

After reading Russell Davies “Notice, Collect, Share",’ I’m more inspired than ever to get back into the habit of…noticing, collecting and sharing. As part of that return to habit I’m going to try and find five things that interest me every week, and share them here on my blog. 5 things per week, for 20 weeks, equals 100 Interesting things. Maybe one of these things will inspire you. Maybe one of them will inspire me. We’ll all learn something along the way.

1.) “if you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it.” I’m trying to get a bit better at writing, both because I enjoy the act of doing it. But also because I know it’s a tool for creating better work. As part of that I’m paying more attention to writing about writing and posts like this one are standing up at attention for me.

via Richard Shotton on Twitter

2.) I’ve been reading a lot of Ursula K. LeGuin lately, and enjoyed an essay she wrote called “The Carrier Bag of Fiction”:

If science fiction is the mythology of modern technology, then its myth is tragic. "Technology," or "modern science" (using the words as they are usually used, in an unexamined shorthand standing for the "hard" sciences and high technology founded upon continuous economic growth), is a heroic undertaking, Herculean, Promethean, conceived as triumph, hence ultimately as tragedy. The fiction embodying this myth will be, and has been, triumphant (Man conquers earth, space, aliens, death, the future, etc.) and tragic (apocalypse, holocaust, then or now).

3.) I don’t know what it means but I’m fascinated by the differences between the recent Balenciaga and Nike shoes:

I don’t know what it means that two of the world’s biggest brands both released running shoes that are almost opposites of each other, but still within the realm of running shoes: Balenciaga the almost inaccessible high-fashion brand creating a shoe that is an exaggeration of everything we know a show to be, including the gum sole, dirt stains, and floppy laces. Nike, the sports brand for everyone with a body, released AI designed shoes that are such an abstraction that they almost aren’t even a shoe anymore. (This part of the past was almost part of my larger thoughts on AI a few weeks ago)

5.) I know that Threads was meant to a text-updated replacement of Twitter but posts like this make me think it’s untapped for interesting photography:

This week’s photo is of The Fisheye Nebula - a formation that is 6,000 light years from earth, and which spans 70 light years.

See more posts in this series here:

Ryan Gosling Is The Antidote To An Artificial Intelligence Hellscape

Last week a Saturday Night Live skit broke the internet. I’ve seen it referred to as viral, and also “generational.” I cracked up watching it and asked my partner to rewind it so I could watch it again. And again. One news article referred to it as “the Best SNL skit ever.”

The skit doesn’t hold up to deeper analysis, though: Kenan Thompson is good in the way he’s always the perfect straight-man foil, but it’s not his best performance. There are no catchphrases or one-liners to take away from this. The joke itself - that there are two guys who are unaware that they look like Beavis and Butt-Head - isn’t even that clever. The “King of the Hill” closer to the scene was weak, and felt tacked on. 

What I think we all collectively connected with was the absolute humanity of the cast: Ryan Gosling was barely able to contain himself. Heidi Gardner was not able to contain herself. 

It was bizarre and surreal, and unpolished and perfect for all of those reasons, in the face of the machine-generated nonsense that is slickly taking over the web.

The popularity of Nanalan clips on Instagram and TikTok was an earlier sign of this (you’ve probably heard the “Most Beautiful Girl” song). After so much sameness, so much artificial voiceover content, I think we craved something more real. And the show’s creator says it perfectly, in an interview they did with the New York Times a few months ago:

“The world is so, so difficult and scary right now, and the show’s very comforting. Everything looks soft. There’s no special effects. It heralds to what I think people want to see, which is just something that’s real and authentic in the, you know, fake, fake, fake world. Everything’s A.I., and people don’t know what’s real.”

Similarly, Harold Halibut is being heralded as the the next big game, partially due to it’s bizarre but touching story, but also because the entire game was created using stop-motion puppets. That’s an artistic choice, and it’s one that matters when all AAA game titles look the same. The top comment on that nailed it when they said that the world’s main gaming studios have become “too big to innovate.” They’re the same sum of average that AI is. 

It’s not that I don’t think Generative AI can write comedy scripts today or in the future. Or design shoes or video games. Or that the pursuit of better Generative AI (and the General AI to follow it) is a useless or dangerous path to follow.

It’s not a giant leap to say that over the next several years almost everything we interact with will be part of AI, will be AI-generated, or will have AI baked into it in some way. Immersive worlds virtual worlds, meetings, and generated experiences will be commonplace.  We’re on the verge of being absolutely overrun by garbage content produced at scale. 

And it’s not just content: Casey Newton suggests that if the first wave of social media was about interacting with people you knew and that the second wave was about interacting with celebrities and influencers (people you didn’t know), the third wave was going to be people who don’t exist: Virtual avatars, Chatbot replicas of celebrities. Virtual Snoop Dogg.

He writes, terrifyingly: 

And my guess is that what happens next is that the more we’re pushed, pulled, and dragged into a machine-generated world, the more parts of us will reject it. As the saying goes, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” 

The AI conclusion we’re racing to is soulless and lonely. 

And the antidote to all of those things is to embrace the handmade. The improv-ed. The in-person and imperfect. 

We’ll see a return to theatre (Vancouver’s Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival has seen growing crowds, and I expect them to be even bigger this year) , and we’ll see live music become even more in-demand. After more days of Zoom and headsets and artificiality, we’ll spend more time craving an afternoon on a picnic blanket on the grass or on the beach.  

It was fitting that the setting for the Beavis and Butt-Head SNL skit was a news program talking, in as dry of terms as possible, about the future of AI. 

A Reminder To Notice More Things (Like The Age Of The Planet).

A few weeks ago I finished reading “Notice. Collect. Share” by Russell Davies. It’s a reminder that in order to get better at the work of strategy (which is sense-making by another name) you need to get better at noticing the interesting things that are out there, collecting what you notice, and sharing the best of that.

Today on my morning walk I came across this plack on a rock:

“12,000 to 15,000 years ago retreating glaciers deposited this stone. In 1997 Vancouver Works Department dug a hole on 6th Avenue & Larch to lay storm drains and came across this huge rock.

Rather than blow it up they were able to put it down where it now sits, one third in the ground but above the ground it is 145cm tall and 480cm around at the base.

This stone is to remind us all of how recently come here. All too soon we forget the age of the planet that is home to us all.

A century is 100 years, and 15,000 years is 150 centuries”

A huge glacial stone.

There is a lot to love - and question - about this plaque:

1.) Is it a rock or a stone? They mix the terms up, but a bit of research tells us it is certainly a rock (stones are smaller, often hand-sized)

2.) The simplicity of language here is beautiful: It doesn’t say something like” Rather than deconstruct the obstruction using an explosive device…”. The plaque writers are clear and concise.

3.). Yet…they don’t actually tell us the age of the Earth: About 4.5 billion years.

Winnie for scale.

*If you’ve been following here for a while you might remember me talking about Russell Davies as the author of Everything I Know About Life I Learned From Powerpoint, the singular book that will make you a better strategist and communicator.

Narrative & Pitch Decks

A few weeks ago my friends at Method & Metric (Vancouver’s best SEO agency) invited me to speak at one of their SEO Conversations evening events about “How To Create A More Effective Pitch Deck.”

I’ve spent a big part of the latter half of my career pitching new business, both for agencies and for myself as a consultant.

In that time, I’ve been part of a lot of losing pitches.

But I’ve also won a few along the way.

And I’ve learned a ton about what makes for a good pitch (hint: it’s not just how slick the presentation is), but also a bit more broadly about what makes for a good deck.

Below is a bit of a summary of what I took the group through:

  • Your Job Is To Sell - You might not be selling a new service or piece of business. But every presentation means you’re selling something: your way of thinking, your research, your point of view, your opinion, or you. You’re likely hoping that someone will say “Yes!” to what you’re sharing.

  • The Best Way To Sell Is With Stories - Telling stories helps us comprehend the information better so that we can deliver it more confidently. But it also provides a framework for laying out the information so that our audience can receive it and understand it more easily. Stories also help us connect emotionally with our audience.

  • Presentations Need A Narrative - And a narrative is not just “Once Upon A Time.” A narrative means a choice in taking a point of view and choosing what pieces of information to reveal (or not to reveal) based on that.

  • Presentations - like stories - need drama. Drama is rising and falling action within a story. It’s what keeps us interested. It’s what drives the presentation forward, and makes us lean in to see what’s next (instead of leaning back to check our phones).

    • The example that I always like to use is a Detective Story: It might start with something exciting, like the discovery of a body or a clue. It slows down a bit as we are introduced:

We can take that same framework and apply it to what a strategy presentation might look like:

For more on this, I highly recommend reading David Mamet’s memo to the writers of The Unit:

  • Flow Is everything - How you transition between sections in a presentation matters, whether you’re presenting alone or with a group. Nothing kills a good presentation more than an awkward shift in topics or the dreaded “And now I’ll pass it over to…”.

    • Questions are a great way to handle flow AND continue to build in drama. End one section with a question to get your audience to try and answer it themselves. Then answer it in the next section.

    • Having an easy-to-follow structure can help with flow as well: Three acts, the Stephen King Planning Cycle, or a timeline can all help with flow and transition.

In the age of Google Slides and remote work, I feel like flow has become a bit of a lost art. In the olden days, we’d print the entire deck up and put it on the wall as we walked through it to understand the pacing and transitions.

  • Open With A Hook - The worst way to start a presentation is with a title slide. It puts people to sleep. It lets the presentation blend directly into the other presentations they’ve seen that day.

    • Movies are a great place to look for inspiration for what makes a great opening.

    • For my session, I had the group split into pairs and present their 2-minute pitch to each other, even before I introduced myself. it set the tone that this would be a collaborative event. Pushing people outside their comfort zone after a long day also helped bring the energy in the room up.

  • Finish Strong - One of the best pieces of advice I’ve had for a presentation is to bookend it with whatever your opening was. Even if the rest of the presentation was scattered, it makes it feel like you tied everything together.

    • For this presentation, one of my opening pieces was to tell the group that their job was to sell and had them present to each other. I finished this presentation by reminding them of this and having them re-present their updated slides to see how improved they were.

    • I often start presentations with a question, and resolve the question (using the same language) on the last slide).

I absolutely love presentations. I love planning them, I love writing them, I love making them (and I feel that the planning, writing and making are all truly distinct activities) and I love giving presentations. But I also don’t think they’re always the best way to communicate information or to win a pitch.

Some notes:

  • I treated my presentation as a bit of a workshop, and had the participants present 2 minute pitches to each other, then re-write those, then re-plan them, then re-write them, and finally re-present them, as we went through different ways of looking at decks. It was a bit of a test of a new way of running a session like this and I’ve got few things to iron out. Thanks to the everyone who joined!

  • As I write out this blog post and re-look at my deck I realized that I didn’t even heed my own advice: except for a strong start and some minimal structure, there was no rising or falling drama. No tension to resolve. Time to re-draft this deck for the next time!

Newsletters Are The New Blogs (and 5 you should read)

Russell Davies’ book Notice, Collect, Share starts off with some great instruction: To get better at the act of sense-making, you need to practice three things:

1.) Noticing what is interesting or useful in the world.

2.) Collecting the things that you’ve noticed.

3.) Sharing the most interesting of the things you collect in a way that helps you and other people understand it.

For years, BlogCampaigning was the tool I used for collecting and sharing. Because I had that tool - and the discipline to use it regularly - I was also in the habit of noticing.

The practice of all three has fallen out of habit for me. Being busy is my excuse, but it’s a poor one.

And in the spirit of getting back into it the work of Noticing, Collecting, and Sharing I’m going to get back to blogging. Or maybe even “newslettering.”

It feels like newsletters are filling that space that blogs did back in the day: A place for us to share our thoughts and research with the world on a channel that we mostly own and control with our readers and subscribers. A channel that isn’t subject to the same control or algorithms as posting on a social network.

Below are 5 newsletters that are quickly becoming replacements for blogs, and must-reads in my inbox:

Strat Scraps by Alex Morris - is the newsletter I wish I’d written. It’s thoughtful and cool and esoteric and meandering and edgy and artsy.

Aisha’s Saves by Aisha Hakim - A visual feast of inspiration. Admittedly, I’ve only just started subscribing to this, but that’s because Aisha just launched it a few weeks ago. She’s behind the incredible Art of Deck Making

Humour & Brands by Paddy Gilmore - I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Paddy Gilmore over the past few year or so, and have enjoyed his “Humour & Brands” news letter just as much. As Richard Shotton reminds us in Media Cat magazine, humour is a powerful tool to use in communications.

Playing To Win by Roger Martin - Really in-depth articles about different nuances of actual, real, capital-S “Strategy” vs the ‘strategy’ of planning out marketing.

Marketing Truths by Will Green - Punchy, short and really useful. Just like the copy that Will talks about.

2023 In Photos

Over the past several years I’ve had a few different conversions about blogging: Who actually blogs? Why? Why do I blog?

And I think that my answer has changed over time. What started as a research project has now turned into a personal one. For me, this blog is a place to post my interests, memories, and opinions. I don’t care so much if it’s read or viewed by anyone.

In the ephemeral world of the late internet era, it’s nice to have a place to call your own.

This post is one of those personal ones. It’s a way to remind myself of the highlights of the past year, and a place where I can go back and relive them.

I’m cheating a bit with this one - it’s actually from New Years Eve 2022, but was an incredibly special moment with my partner and her family somewhere in the mountains of New York state. We were gathered around a fire having a few drinks (including an incredible hot, spiced wine) after a day of snowshoeing.

The year ACTUALLY started on New Years day at this incredible cabin.

Part of the beauty of the cabin where we spent New Year’s was that there was no car access, and getting there meant a ~2km hike uphill while hauling all your luggage, groceries, and wine for the family. Even after a day of skiing and afternoon drinks in Lake Placid!

I also made it out to Whistler in February for a great bluebird day with a friend. We finished the day by by sitting on the side of the slope and having a couple of cans.

This little weirdo will never not be a highlight of my days.

We had a lot of great couch cuddles.

I made it to Washington DC to see the Air & Space Museum, and had a former fighter pilot as our guide.

We had our annual skip trip with an incredible group of friends - this time at Silver Star.

In March she said “Yes!” and me me the happiest man around.

For my birthday she took me out to our local bar for a game of pool and a VERY sweet and strong drink that had gummy sharks and a light in it (she knows me well - I loved it).

Beach walks and beers with friends are always great.

Lots of time walking around the neighbourhood.

And foggy, rainy hikes up the chief with my little gremlin.

I found time for quite a few beautiful sunsets (and sunrises).

And sailboat rides with good friends.

And seeing my dog graduate from Advanced Puppy School was maybe the proudest moment of my life.

And I got to hang out with my dad on some great boat trips.

And nice times hanging out having wine with my parents.

And forest walks with my mom.

And beach walks with my girls

Hangouts with my Cousin were always a highlight.


And seeing friends get into grappling.

…and book club meet-ups all contributed to a well-rounded year.

We all had a blast at her birthday.

And we followed it up with an incredible mountain adventure to camp at this lake, totally alone.

Just the two of us, and our little gremlin carrying her own food.

A business trip to LA meant a great new client.

We also moved offices, which brought with it new energy.

Another new client meant another great trip - this time to the farthest west coast of Vancouver island.

Another trip - this time to Toronto- meant catching up with some of the industry’s finest ad men.

And a game of pool with one of my oldest and best friends.

Forest walks with good friends….

….and their owners.

Some incredible news :-)

Finished the year in one of my favourite places…

Scoring some great waves.


If you made it this far, good for you.

That was a lot of photos. And I skipped a lot of highlights, because of space, time, because I didn’t have the photos.

It was a pretty incredible year. Here’s to 2024!

Saying Goodbye To Twitter

I’ve been on Twitter since May 2007. Before hashtags were a thing. Before you could post photos or probably even emojis. When TwitFox was a thing it felt more like a chat room than a broadcast channel. 

I met an amazing community of people on it then. From the #ThirdTuesday crew and more. 

In about 2009 I set up over 200 unique Twitter accounts for different categories of news releases that CNW Group (Newswire.ca) published on behalf of clients. 

I told friends about Twitter - and helped them get started on it. I wrote guides for my company about how to use Twitter. I wrote about how Twitter was foundational for journalism. I believed that it could be an incredible new technology that would replace RSS and make it easy to get news and information.  

It was a huge part of my early career. For a long time, it continued to be an amazing community. I believed that it was an incredibly powerful tool to learn, connect, and build a career on.  

I believed in it. 

But I can no longer support what the site has become. 

I believe that to continue to use Twitter is to endorse hate of all kinds. 

No platform is perfect, free from hate, or ideologically neutral. All the sites and platforms we visit, post on, and use sit somewhere on a spectrum of “Good” to “Bad,” and we must each choose where we’re comfortable being. 

Based on the direction Twitter is going, under the direction of its leader, and the behaviour of an increasingly large base of users, I will no longer be using Twitter. 

For now, I will leave my account up but inactive. 

Find me on: 




Building Strategy Into Agency Culture

Our Strategic Mission Patches

Almost a year ago at Major Tom, we realized that in order to continue being competitive and delivering great work for our clients we would need to improve the way we think about projects.

From that, we launched the Strategy Propulsion Lab. This agency-wide initiative included regular in-house training sessions, encouraged more conversation around what made for great work, and encouraged (and paid for!) staff to take courses with Sweathead, Account Planning Group of Canada - APG Canada, and the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising).

The name was inspired by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division responsible for creating robotic spacecraft to explore the solar system and beyond. Those little rovers on Mars? That’s JPL. Missions to study Jupiter and Saturn? Also JPL. Their unofficial motto is Dare Mighty Things (which comes from a Teddy Roosevelt speech), and is inspiration for them to aim for great results and not be held back by the fear of failure.

Further inspired by NASA and their work, we also created a series of "Mission Patches" to celebrate some of the great thinking that we were seeing from the team, and also to remind ourselves to think a bit differently. We’ve built these mission patches and their language into our own internal feedback tools, and regularly celebrate them at company meetings and our work.

The "Always Ask Why" patch features a cut-away of a planet, revealing the molten core within, and reminding us of the importance of getting to the centre of the problem.

The "Always Ask How" patch is a space-age Swiss Army Knife to remind us that there are a lot of different tools we can use to approach projects and problems. And that some of those tools might not even exist until we create them.

The "Always Ask What If" patch is my favourite: an image of an astronaut's hand flipping a coin (the animated version has a helmet on one side of the coin and an alien head on the other). It's both a tribute to Ursula K Le Guin who said that Science-Fiction is about asking "What if..?" about the present, and a reminder to our team that there are an infinite number of paths we can take.

The internal training sessions have been really fun to organize, and I’ve loved seeing some of my team get involved in running them. Some of the topics we’ve covered include:

  • Reverse-engineering Cannes-winning media and creative campaigns to understand what made them work

  • Marketing effectiveness, where the team has shared what they’ve learned from their own work and APG/IPA coursework

  • Sessions to make our writing and communication more precise and concise

It's been amazing seeing the way this has started to change the way we think, to see some of the work it's helped us win, and to see some of the results we're seeing for our clients.

Big thanks to Jay Chaney for printing out a piece of paper that said "ALWAYS ASK WHY?" to the desks of the planning team at DDB over 10 years ago, and to Mitchell Fawcett for coming up with the idea for the Strategy Propulsion Lab in the first place.

Optimistic Terror: Science-Fiction Books You Should Read To Understand Artificial Intelligence.

“Science-Fiction is not predictive, it is descriptive.” 

-Ursula K. Le Guin. 

I’ve spent the last 30 years of my life being obsessed with sci fi. It probably started with Space Lego, and imagining the lore behind Blacktron, The Space Police, and the Ice Planet folks. 

I loved Star Wars for a few years, but only truly between that wild west frontier time of post-Return of The Jedi, but pre-prequel. The Expanded Universe was unpolished, infinite, and amazing. Midichlorian hand-waving replaced mystique with…nonsense. 

As I grew older I started to take science fiction more seriously. 

In 2006 I pursued a Master’s in Arts & Media, and was focused on the area of “cyberculture”: online communities, and the intersection of our physical lives with digital ones. A lot of my research and papers explored this blurring by looking deeply at Ghost In the Shell, Neuromancer, and The Matrix (and this blog is an artefact of that time of my life). Even before then and during my undergraduate degree as early as 2002 (going by my old term papers) I was starting to mull over the possibility that machines could think, create, and feel on the same level as humans. 

For the past four or five years I’ve run a Sci-fi book club out of Vancouver. Even through the pandemic we kept meeting (virtually) on a fairly regular cadence to discuss what we’d just read, what it meant to us, and to explore the themes and stories. 

I give all of this not as evidence of my expertise in the world of Artificial Intelligence, but of my interest. 

Like many people, I’m grappling with what this means for me. For us. For everyone. 

Like many people with blogs, a way of processing that change is by thinking. And then writing. 

As a science-fiction enthusiast, that thinking uses what I’ve read as the basis for frameworks to ask “What if?” 

In the introduction to The Left Hand Of Darkness (from which the quote that starts this article is pulled), Le Guin reminds us that the purpose of science-fiction is as a thought experiment. To ask that “What if?” about the current world, to add a variable, and to use the novel to explore that. As a friend of mine often says at our book club meetings, “Everything we read is about the time it was written.” 

In Neuromancer by William Gibson the characters plug their minds directly into a highly digitized matrix and fight blocky ICE (Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics) in a virtual realm, but don’t have mobile devices and rely on pay phones. The descriptions of a dirty, wired world full of neon and chrome feel like a futuristic version of the 80s.  It was a product of its time. 

At the same time, our time is a product of Neuromancer. It came out in 1984, and shaped the way we think about the concepts of cyberspace and Artificial Intelligence. It feels derivative when you read it in 2023, but only because it was the source code for so many other instances of hackers and cyberpunk in popular culture. And I firmly believe that the creators of today’s current crop of Artificial Intelligence tools were familiar with or influenced by Neuromancer and its derivatives. It indirectly shaped the Artificial Intelligence we’re seeing now.

Blindsight by Peter Watts , which I’ve regularly referred to as the best book about marketing and human behaviour that also has space vampires.

It was published in 2006, just as the world of “web 2.0” was taking off and we were starting to embrace the idea of distributed memory: your photos and thoughts could live on the cloud just as easily as in the journal or photo albums on your desk. And, like now, we were starting to think about how invasive computers had become in our lives, and how they might take jobs away. How digitization meant a boom of one kind of creativity, but a decline in other more important areas. About how it was a little less clear about the role we had for ourselves in the world. To say too much more about the book would be to spoil it. The book also introduced me to the idea of a “Chinese Room” which helped me understand the differences between Strong AI and Weak AI.

Kim Stanley Robinson’s Aurora is about a generation ship from Earth a few hundred years after its departure and a few hundred years before its planned arrival. Like a lot of his books it deals primarily with our very human response to climate change. But nestled within the pages, partially as narrator and partially as character, is the Artificial Intelligence assistant Pauline. In 2023, it’s hard not to read the first few interactions with her as someone’s first flailing questions with ChatGPT as both sides figure out how they work.

It was published in 2015, a few years after Siri had launched in 2011. While KSR had explored the idea of AI assistants as early as the 1993 in his books, it felt like fleshing out Pauline as capable of so much more might have been a bit of a response to seeing what Siri might amount to with more time and processing power. 

The Culture Series is about a far-future version of humanity that lives onboard enormous ships that are controlled by Minds, Artificial Intelligences with almost god-like powers over matter and energy. The books can be read in any order, the Minds aren’t really the main characters or focus (with the exception of the book Excession), but at the same time the books are about the minds. The main characters - who mostly live at the edge of the Culture - have their stories and adventures. But throughout it you’re left with this lingering feeling that their entire plot, and the plot of all of humanity in the books, might just be cleverly orchestrated by the all-powerful Minds. On the surface living in the Culture seems perfectly utopian. They were also written over the span of 25 years (1987-2012) and represent a spectrum of how AI might influence our individual lives as well as the entire direction of humanity.


My feeling of optimistic terror about our own present is absolutely because of how often I’ve read these books. It’s less a sense of déjà vu (seen before), and more one of déjà lu (read before). 

The terror comes from the fact that in all these books the motivations of Artificial General Intelligence is opaque, and possibly even incomprehensible to us. The code might not be truly sentient, but that doesn’t mean we’ll understand it. We don’t know what it wants. We don’t know how they’ll act. And we’re not even capable of understanding why.

Today’s AI doesn’t have motivation beyond that of its programmers and developers. But it eventually will. And that’s frightening.

And more frightening is that, with AI, with might have reduced art down to an algorithm. We’ve taken the act of creating something to evoke emotion, one of the most profoundly human acts, and given it up in favour of efficiency.

The optimism stems from the fact that in all these books humans are still at the forefront. They live. They love. They have agency. We’re still the authors of our own world and the story ahead of us. 

And there are probably other books out there that are better at predicting our future. Or maybe better, to use Le Guin’s words, to describe our present.

Path To Planning: Getting Your Start In Strategy

Last year Penny Norman and I recorded a 10-episode podcast series for APG Canada about how to move into a strategy role at an agency. As part of it, we spoke to a bunch of different strategists about their own career paths. Below are a few of the big things the people we spoke to told us, and below that I’ve linked the original episodes. You can also find the podcast on Spotify as Path To Planning. 

1.) Know what kind of strategy you want to do. Brand planning, campaign, research, digital strategy, channel planning, media strategy. There are a ton of different disciplines, and choosing one to focus on will help you decide on your next step.

2.) Reach out to people. Ask the strategy team at your agency, ask strategists you know, connect with other strategists online, especially if they're doing the type of work you want to do. Come prepared with relevant questions that will help you move forward.

3.) Find training opportunities. Your current agency or office probably has an underused training budget, so ask to use it for courses that will help you. Make the case that that strategy training will only make you stronger at your job even if you aren't a strategist yet.

4.) There's more opportunity at small agencies. In bigger agencies, roles are more locked in. And they are looking for specialists. Smaller agencies are more open to hybrid jobs, or more open to employees shifting roles. So: take that Account-side role in a smaller agency and make the case for the shift to strategy.

5.) Be Curious and Embrace Your Weird Side: Take on side projects, volunteer opportunities, or just dive into your own obscure interests. it will help you think differently from your peers who are learning from the same people and sources.

6.) Raise your hand: You’ll never get a job in the strategy department if you don’t show interest. Talk to your boss, or the strategy lead in your agency, and let them know you’re interested. Ask them what you need to do or learn to start to make the change. Or ask to do some more strategic work. 

7.) Fight imposter syndrome. Nearly every strategist we spoke to said they doubted themselves either at some point or regularly. Just know that every other strategist came from somewhere just like you.

Path To Planning Episode Links

Episode 0 - Introduction 

Episode 1 - Strategy Internships with Marguerite Gaylie 

Episode 2 - Community Management To Strategy with Katy Hui 

Episode 3 - Account Management to Strategy with Lindsay Waugh

Episode 4 - Tech To Strategy with Mo Dhaliwal 

Episode 5 - Creative to Strategy with Ashley Lapin

Episode 6 - Client-side to Strategy with Carolyn Khoo 

Episode 7 - Parental Leave to Strategy with Christine Brett & Julie Sheldon

Episode 8 - EA to Strategy w Meg Kerr

Episode 9 - The Wrap-Up

"Does anyone still watch TV?"

August 2, 2023 Update: I wrote the post below on February 24, 2023. At that time, linear TV and Connected TV were still pretty neck and neck. Since then, the data is clear that CTV has pulled ahead, unsurprisingly.

My points below still stand: That I don’t think anything will hold the same power and mystique as traditional TV, for all of the reasons outlined below. But that video, served by Connected TV, is one of the next best ways to connect emotionally with audiences, shift perception and ultimately drive action.

I had a super interesting conversation with my team the other day about which media channels we should recommend to a client. 

My in-the-moment response was that if budget wasn’t an issue then traditional, old-school, linear TV* should absolutely be included in the mix. 

Immediately after saying that I second-guessed myself. It was one of those things that felt right based on my experience: brands I’ve worked with in the past several years have had success with sales and both prompted and unprompted recall using TV. And some of the biggest brands in the world - with presumably the data and common sense to make sound decisions - are constantly advertising on traditional TV. 

But I didn’t want to fall into a trap of my own experiences so I dove down a rabbit hole of research. 

I’ve got a summary of what I found at the start of this, but also a longer version you can jump down to. 


“Does anyone still watch TV?”

Broadcast Television is still one of the most frequently viewed media channels

  • 68% of viewing time was spent with linear TV in 2021, compared to 32% for streaming (Nielsen 2021

  • Canadians watch 10.9 hours of TV per week, compared to 8.9 hours for Streaming Video On Demand (SVOD) (Numeris 2021) 

  • Canadians watch 2h05m of linear TV per week, compared to 1h39m of streaming/video on demand (GWI, Q3 2022

TV (and other traditional forms of media) are considerably more effective at driving long-term results and sending signals of trust and quality. 

  • TV drives a disproportionately large share of long-term sales effects compared to other mediums (Thinkbox, 2022)

  • Even according to Meta’s own research, TV is still more effective than Facebook/Meta at driving long-term results for CPG, Retail, and Telco brands, and still plays a considerable role for tech (Meta 2022)

  • In the US, TV delivered the highest ROI of all media for every dollar spent at $14.34 ( Global TV Group 2020)

The effectiveness of mass media like TV, print, and radio is due to it’s inefficiency. (“The Errors Of Inefficiency”)

  • Less targeting means that these channels are better at reaching beyond our people who want to buy immediately or who might be outside the category.

  • Ads that we aren’t focusing on (like a TV on in the background) are considerably more effective at persuading us. 

  • Using expensive formats like signal quality, reliability, and trust in ways that other channels don’t. 

So what should we do? 

  • If the budget allows for it ensure that more traditional media channels are included as part of the mix. 

  • If there is less budget, I believe that Connected TV has incredible potential to drive some of the same results, though it might never be as good at sending the same fitness and quality signals. 

  • TV (both linear and connected) aren’t enough on their own - they need a strong ecosystem to reach audiences elsewhere. This includes:

    • A paid and organic search presence: it will likely be the first place people will look. 

    • A social presence: it’s likely to be the next place people will look for further quality signals and information. 

    • An easy place to buy: Likely a website with a frictionless eCommerce experience or widespread distribution via retail. 


Do people still watch TV?

I certainly don’t. At least I don’t at home:  I spend time watching Netflix on a Connected TV. Or I watch videos on Instagram and Reddit on my phone while my girlfriend watches a show on Amazon Prime or Apple TV or Netflix. Or I sometime cast a YouTube video to the big TV. Or I play a game on my computer. When I’m at a bar or a restaurant though I can’t turn away from the TV - I get overly focussed on the ads. 

But I’m also not most people. I work in Digital Marketing, and have spent the last ~20 years of my life thinking about ads, communications, social media and technology in a professional capacity. I have to remind myself that I’m not my clients, I’m not their audience or customers. I’m not “everyone.

And the data is pretty clear that linear TV still dominates what the majority of people watch (though connected TV is catching up!).

According to some recent research, Connected TV just surpassed linear TV in Canada, with 68% preferring streaming to 56% linear.

Other research finds that more globally, 68% of viewing time was spent with linear TV in 2021, compared to 32% for streaming (Nielsen 2021)  And other research says that Canadians watch 10.9 hours of traditional TV per week, compared to 8.9 hours for Streaming Video On Demand (SVOD) (Numeris 2021) 

And according to another source, Canadians watch 2h05m of linear TV per week, compared to 1h39m of streaming/video on demand (GWI, Q3 2022

Linear Television is still one of the most frequently viewed media channels - though Connected TV is catching up.

Are TV ads even effective? 

Absolutely. And wildly so. And it largely has to do with the fact that WHERE our message appears is as important as WHAT it says and HOW it looks. You might even say that “The Medium Is the Message”. 

Our work is meant more than to communicate simply what a product is and where to buy it. The best ads communicate something about the types of people who use the product and what the company stands for. Where these ads appear is a powerful way to communicate that: an ad for a watch in Vanity Fair signals that it’s worn by the people in that magazine (or, at least by the people who aspire to be in it). The back of the newspaper is reserved for classifieds, and a brand aspiring to be premium wouldn’t be caught dead there.

When we look at ads, we’re unconsciously evaluating everything about them: we’re deciding if this is a quality product, if the manufacturer is someone we can trust, and if it’s something that will be worth the money.

Meta recently conducted some research with Les Binet, the so-called “Godfather of Advertising Effectiveness” to find out how much impact linear TV had on the long-term effects of communications and it’s not surprising that Facebook and Instagram are starting to play a large role in driving those. But to me, it’s equally fascinating that even in this study TV still dominates across CPG, Retail, and Telco when it comes to brand building and long-term effects. 

This might be because Traditional channels (TV, Magazines, Newspapers, Radio) significantly outperform digital channels like social media when it comes to sending Fitness and Social signals.

And advertisers are seeing real, tangible results:


  • In France, on average TV campaign achieves sales revenues (ROI) €4.9 per €1 invested.

  • In Italy, TV generates almost three times the brand recall of Web ads (60% vs 18%).

  • In the US, TV delivered the highest ROI of all media for every dollar spent at $14.34.

  • In France, the traffic of an advertiser’s website during a TV campaign increases by 61%.

  • TV is the media which generates the highest brand equity in Mexico, contributing a 28% share of contribution.

TV and radio are also considerably better at building emotional trust with audiences. This trust is critical when it comes to creating a brand that people will want naturally reach for (digitally or physically) when it comes time to buy.

Think With Google has similarly favourable news about the effectiveness of linear TV for advertising:

It’s likely that this has shifted since these studies were done, but 2 or 3 years isn’t enough for Connected TV or social media to catch up nor enough time for TV and radio to truly fall from their elevated spot. 

Why are they so effective? 

In his essay “The Errors Of Efficiency,” Alex Murrell lays out three myths about “inefficient” forms of communication like television. 

The entire thing is worth reading (and the links within are worth exploring), but I’ll try and summarize Murrell here: 

Error 1: Mass media is wasteful because it is untargeted -

Ads serve a greater purpose than purely reaching their audience. They send a social signal - or cultural imprint - to people that this ad reaches. Simply by assuming that more people have seen a message, we’re more likely to be influenced by it. From Murrell’s essay:

To find out the behavioural scientist Richard Shotton asked 257 people to imagine that they had seen an ad for a chocolate bar online. Shotton then asked his panel how many other people they would have expected to have also seen that ad. The results were surprising. Only 46% thought that more than a million people would have seen it. That figure increased to 71% when he told the respondents that they had seen the ad on TV. People, it seems, intuitively believe that public broadcast media reaches a larger audience than private, targeted media.

To summarise, yes traditional communications are mass, but that does not make them wasteful. Mass media reaches a large audience, imprinting brands on culture and imbuing them with self-expressive benefits.

The things we do, the music we listen to, the clothes we wear, the products we buy are all self-expressive: as much as their immediate purpose is to us, it’s also a signal to those around us. And that signal is only effective if we know others know what it means.

One of my favourite books (non Science Fiction books, that is) is APG’s How Not To Plan, and it lays down the case that it’s more effective to be talking to everyone in a market - not just your target or those who are immediately ready to buy - as it lays the groundwork for future purchases.

Error 2: Mass media is wasteful because it is ignored 

And the data is right: Mass media like TV is ignored. But that’s precisely why it works, according to Murrell’s essay.

There is compelling research that shows we’re more likely to be persuaded when we’re distracted, tired, or depleted. It’s easier to actively say “This ad isn’t for me” when it’s right in front of our faces on a mobile phone. But it’s a little bit harder to ignore those messages when they’re playing in the background: 

The majority of all the findings above about the number of hours or percent of consumption that linear TV makes are self-reported. My hunch here is that these self-reports underreport the amount of time that people spend with TV because they don’t account for the screens at the edge of our attention: the ones playing in bars and restaurants and waiting rooms. The ones at the edge of our periphery. 

As one researcher found: “Ads may be more powerful precisely because people pay them so little heed that they do not call critical defences into play.”

Error 3: Mass media is wasteful because it is expensive. As I’ve mentioned above, television (and other, expensive formats like magazines) can help shift the perception of brands. As per research from Thinkbox: 

  • 43% of viewers said that a brand was “high quality” when advertised on TV, compared to 19% for social media. 

  • 50% of viewers said that a brand was “financially strong” when advertised on TV, compared to 21% for social media. 

  • 58% of viewers said that a brand was “confident” when advertised on TV, compared to 40% for social media. 

In similarly expensive communications mediums, Murrell suggest we look at banks: their heavy,  ornate architecture isn’t cost effective to build or maintain. But it sends a message of solidarity and trust: this bank isn’t going anywhere. Your money is safe.

He closes by saying “Just as a peacock’s plumage signals strength, and the battlements of British banks signal trustworthiness, expensive media signals the same for brands.” 

The effectiveness of mass media like TV, print, and radio is due to it’s inefficiency (“The Errors Of Inefficiency”)


The world is changing, and while it feels like it might be changing quickly our worldview changes even more slowly. And our habits and behaviours follow that.

Connected TV is slowly playing catch up (and might never reach the heights of traditional media) while our trust in social channels continues to erode. 

TV as we know it won’t be around forever. Printed newspaper will become a luxury. A glowing cityscape of Blade Runner-style ads, drone fleets or Augmented Reality will make us miss the old days of static billboards.

But for now they’re some of powerful ways for us to reach and persuade the world. 

*When I say “linear TV” here I’m referring to broadcast TV. Traditional TV. TELEVISION! Not your new-fangled streaming services.

**Alex Murrell’s “Errors of Efficiency” was a bit of inspiration for this post, and I highly recommend his essay to anyone involved in communications or media.

Let's Talk Strategy: A Q&A With Parker Mason (that's me!)

A little while ago I joined Major Tom as SVP Strategy, and the team interviewed me about my role and experience for the Major Tom blog. Read it here below or read it there.

Major Tom works to help you find a strategy that fits your brand, connects you to your audience, and helps your business thrive.

But what, exactly, does strategy mean at Major Tom? To shine a light on our approach — and how it affects both our team and our clients — we sat down with our SVP of Strategy, Parker Mason. 

Keep reading for a chat about his role at Major Tom, his career, and the strategic value of the Proust Questionnaire. 

Let’s start with the basics. What does an SVP of Strategy do?

Parker: We’ve got a great team of Account Strategists, Social Media Strategists, Media Strategists and Analysts, but they’re not grouped together in a formal strategy department. Instead,  we bring strategy into everything we do. 

That means that we want our entire team to understand the basics of strategy.

I oversee our services group. That includes those different strategists, along with specialists and support roles. My role is to work closely with that group’s talented leaders and their teams. 

I work with them go beyond simply planning campaigns. Together, we also come up with unique and new ways to win. 

In other words, I work with our divisions and our clients to look at things differently. When we consider an angle or framework they haven’t used before, they can unlock new possibilities for their projects.

What does the word “strategy” mean to you?

Parker: Strategy means having an opinion. It’s an opinion based on what you know, what you think will work, and what might be interesting. 

Here’s the catch: it might not always be right, but the only way to find out is to test it in real life. 

That can be hard work. And the work of strategy, particularly at an agency, is a beautiful combination of art and science. It’s making sense of data and research, then using it to tell a story with your words. And if you’ve ever given a big presentation, building slides is art, right? 

I always think that Strategists are some of the luckiest people in the world due to the work we get to do. We spend our days learning and thinking, and our work influences what millions of people can see, feel, and experience.

Tell us about your career. What led you to Major Tom?

Parker: I started a blog with a friend way back before blogging was cool, and that led me to a community manager role in Toronto. That gave way to a social strategy role, which became a digital strategy role, that ultimately led to a bigger network agency — where I was transferred overseas to Auckland, New Zealand, and Sydney, Australia. 

After a while, I decided to move back to Canada to be a bit closer to family and to also spend time exploring the mountains here in BC.

Over the past eight years, I’ve spent my time alternating between building and leading strategy teams for agencies, and then consulting with agencies in Toronto and Vancouver. 

The time freelancing was hugely valuable. It’s given me a really great look at what works and what doesn’t in other places. On top of that perspective, I’ve had the chance to learn from some really great people — and have applied the frameworks and planning tools that they use. Major Tom has brought a few of their own to the table.

How did you end up here at Major Tom?

Parker: I started working with Major Tom on a few projects about four years ago. We developed some content planning workshops, then kept in touch based on my availability and their needs. But I didn’t jump on board right away.

On which note, we’ve heard that when you were freelancing, you said “I never want to work at another agency again.” What made you change your mind and join Major Tom?

Parker: It’s true, I did say that. But with Major Tom, it comes down to the people, the work, and the potential. 

First, it’s the people. Major Tom has an incredible set of values that are reinforced by our teams, who practice them every day. We have a company-wide meeting every Wednesday that reminds me of that. I get to see the people I work with, how they’re doing, and how they live those values. 

But it’s not just business. Our teams are also super tight with each other, and it shows in how they work together and with our clients. 

It’s also the work. I really enjoy the projects we’re building for our clients right now. I get to work with brands in a great mix of industries, all with different needs. I think that all of our clients have such interesting challenges, and I’m always incredibly grateful that they trust us to help solve those problems alongside them

And lastly, it’s the potential. We’re building an awesome team. We’ve got great momentum with our clients. We’re doing things differently. All together, it means that I’m super stoked about what the next few months and years look like for Major Tom. I can’t wait to see what we’ll put out into the world. 

We’ve heard that you often use the Proust Questionnaire when working with clients. Can you tell us about that?

Parker: I think that in our industry, we get stuck in doing things a certain way, or using tools and processes that feel right because they’ve always been used, or seem ‘professional.’ But when we do that, we miss out on the fun and humanity. The ‘art’ parts of strategy.

I started working the Proust Questionairre into projects after reading a copy of Vanity Fair on a flight a few years ago. At first, it was an add-on to a project. A “let’s just try this and see how it goes” type of thing. 

Now, I use parts of the questionnaire pretty regularly with clients when we’re doing workshop activities to build out consumer journeys. Going through a few of the questions, and answering them in the voice of the target audience, helps everyone get in the right mindset. We can more clearly identify what their audience is looking for — and how we can deliver it to them.

I also sometimes use the questions in our brand workshops. They’re a fun way to get clients to talk about their brand — or how they want their brand to be seen — as if it were a person. Sometimes, they uncover insights that you didn’t expect.

In that case, let’s treat this as a brand workshop for your role as SVP, Strategy. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions from the questionnaire?

Parker: Sure — go ahead. 

Great! First one: what talent do you wish you had? 

Parker: I wish I was better at design. I try and I try and I try, but my best attempts at great-looking slides always look like garbage compared to what our design team turns out. 

Every time we do a new project that involves design — like a logo for a client or just some social templates — I’m always wowed by their work. But also a little envious.

Who are your favorite writers? 

Parker: I’m a huge fan of science fiction, and pretty much always have a sci-fi book on the go. 

I love it as an escape, but also because of the way the genre asks us “What If?”. It gets us to imagine a future or scenario based on a set of givens, and much like a good workshop, it can take you to some fascinating, unexpected places. 

One of the people who does this best is Ursula K. LeGuin. Over the past year, I’ve gotten really deep into her back catalogue. Her Hainish cycle of books is absolutely beautiful, and I know I’ll keep going back to them. 

Sticking to sci-fi, Peter Watts’ book “Blindsight” is the best book about why advertising works — that isn’t actually about advertising. I always recommend it to people. If you’re not in marketing, don’t worry. It’s also just a great work of sci-fi. 

Coming back down to earth, I’m also obsessed with “Everything I Know About Life I Learned From Powerpoint” by Russell Davies. It will absolutely make you a better communicator and presenter.

Rounding out the list, I regularly recommend “How Not To Plan” by Les Binet and Sara Carter. It’s a really accessible book that will help almost anyone at an agency be better at their job.

Another one of the questions from the Proust Questionnaire is “what is your greatest achievement?” To keep things focused, let’s dial that back to your time at Major Tom. 

Parker: It’s easily the Strategy Propulsion Lab, which is a sort of internal training program we’ve launched here at Major Tom. 

A little while ago, my colleague Mitchell suggested that it would be great to put some training sessions in place for the team, based on an idea he saw elsewhere. Ways to get everyone thinking and learning outside of their specific areas of expertise. 

After a few weeks of discussion, we hit on the idea of packaging these sessions into something a little more formal, and SPL was born. 

We’ve run a bunch of different workshops and training sessions under the Strategy Propulsion Lab banner over the past six months, and have even built aspects of it into our internal employee feedback system. 

It’s been a great way to make sure that strategic thinking is part of the culture at Major Tom. 

Since then, I’ve noticed a huge difference in the quality of work we’re doing for clients. We’re asking better questions, telling better stories, and selling in more interesting work.

What are some of your favorite client projects?

Parker: We’re in the process of building some great sites for a few clients, and I’ve really enjoyed the journey we’ve been on with them. 

That doesn’t always start with the sites themselves. In a few cases, we worked closely with clients on their goals as a business before even touching any site-specific work like wireframes. 

I’m also immensely proud of the great work that our media team has done with Seneca College. They’ve been great partners to us over the years, and we’ve really driven great results for them. Our most recent work with Seneca just had a phenomenal results. 

I also always reference the award-winning work that Major Tom did for Teck during the pandemic to educate people about the health benefits of copper. It’s a great example of helping a brand show a different side of themselves to their audience.

What are you excited for in 2023?

Parker: Big, integrated projects. We’re doing more of these for our clients, where they’ll ask us to take on more than one channel, then add in a new site or even creative. And it’s really great to see our different teams work together on these projects and bring them to life. 

I also want to see us win some Effectiveness awards. We’re already getting amazing results for clients, and I think it’s just a matter of putting the right awards submissions together so that we can prove it to the world.

I’m really excited to see what we’re capable of as an agency in 2023. 

Thanks, Parker. Before we wrap up, is there anything else you want to say?

Parker: I’m a big fan of connecting with people, either to help them get into advertising or strategy, or just to talk about new projects. 

If you want to chat feel free to book sometime with me here. 

A big thank you to Parker for his time and insights! You can follow Parker Mason on LinkedIn, or get the latest thoughts from the full Major Tom team by subscribing to our Mercury blog at the bottom of this page. 

Books To Read To Be Better At Your Job

Almost everything we do at work involves written communication, and one of the best ways to get better at it is to read more. Read fiction, read poetry, read newspapers, read magazines, read comic books, and read science-fiction (especially read science-fiction.)

But also read books about what we do for work. These are some of my favourites: 

How Not To Plan: 66 Ways To Screw It Up by APG and Les Binet is a book I wish I had read way, way earlier in my career. Each chapter is short (like 5 pages short) and breaks down a single concept of strategy and planning in the form of an easy explanation, a “2-minute checklist” and a case study so you can see what they’re talking about. 

The Choice Factory by Richard Shotton is a lot like How Not To Plan in that it has short chapters,  This time though it’s about different behavioural biases, and how we can use those in communications to nudge our audiences in a particular direction. I go back to it often. And if you can’t be bothered to read the whole thing, the research cards on the CogLode site are like the the TL;DR of the book. 

Rory Sutherland’s Alchemy is a collection of his own personal thoughts about bringing behavioural insights to life across campaigns and projects. Listening to him speak is an absolute delight. Here he is on the topic of “Perspective Is Everything.” And here he is on why we should sweat the small stuff when it comes to solving problems. 

Everything I Know About Life I Learned From Powerpoint by Russell Davies will make you better at your job. It’s about his experience learning how to use powerpoint, and how slides can be such an amazing tool to communicate if used correctly. As one reviewer described it, “it’s like a love letter to language.”

Let’s Get Real Or Let’s Not Play by Stephen Covey and Mahan Khasla isn’t the most fun of these books to read, but’s probably the most valuable. I read it years ago, and it gave me a better understand of how sales works, and how to relate better to potential clients. I’m probably due to re-read it.

Bonus: Blindsight by Peter Watts is probably one of the best pieces of Science-Fiction ever written. Hidden within it is an amazing lesson about human behaviour based on biology and evolution that will make you better at being a marketer. It’s also got scientifically feasible vampires in space. 

The Art & Science Of A Great Presentation

I’ve spent a lot of time working with some different teams over the past year on how to get better at creating better presentations for clients.

Here are a few of my favourite resources:

  • Mark Pollard wrote an excellent essay called How To Make A Presentation Have A Point, and it's an excellent place to go once you’ve got a solid understanding of the basics, and want to start to explore how to tell more of a story with your work.

  • “Everything I Know I Learned From Powerpoint” by Russell Davies is probably the best book I’ve read this year. As one reviewer describes it, “it’s a love letter to language.” You’ll have fun reading it, and I guarantee it will make you better at whatever job you do at Major Tom. I have a copy if you want to borrow it, and I’ve also ordered one for the office.

2021: A Year Of Reading

I read a lot in 2021. Probably not the most I’ve EVER read in a year, but I feel like I managed to crush through a good number of books. A few were re-reads, but I’m okay with that. Some people re-watch movies, I re-read books. A few of the books were for my book club, most were read on my Kindle and a few (probably more than any other year in the last decade!) were actually read as print books.

In no particular order…

The Only Good Indians - Stephen Graham Jones A spookier book chosen by my book club to read in the weeks leading up to Halloween. I crushed the entire thing over two days while visiting my family on Vancouver Island, partially because I had the time but partially because it is very well written. Give it a read if you’re ready for creeping horror written by an indigenous author. 4 out of 5.

Ancillary Justice - Anne Leckie A modern sci-fi classic, and one that I dismissed after reading it when it first came out. I thought that I was probably young and immature then and that I should give it another shot. I still don’t like it. The story was ‘meh,’ the odd gendering of characters was confusing, and it felt too derivative of better sci-fi. I still don’t get why it was so well received. 2 out of 5. (it only gets the two because I do like the idea of the main character being the disembodied (or rebodied?) mind of an ancient spaceship. I’ll actually bump it up to 3 out of 5 for that.)  

One + One = Three - Dave Trott Billed as a “masterpiece of creative thinking,” it certainly is. Short, bite-sized essays that will inspire you to think differently. Ultimately not memorable. Instead I’d recommend you pick up Richard Shotton’s Choice Factory (a solid 5/5) instead of this 3-star offering.

The Ministry For The Future - Kim Stanley Robinson I’ll preface this review by saying that I am a HUGE fan of KSR, and actually put off reading this book until I was “ready,” that’s how stoked I was for it. Then I forced it on my book club to read it as one of our official selections, though it’s tough to categorize it as a traditional fiction book. There are characters, sure. But the main character is climate change. And the story is told in snippets of conversation, shorthand meeting notes, and scientific journal entries. One entire chapter is just a list of the names of social media accounts for (fictional) conservation organizations. I’m probably not doing a great job of selling this book, but it actually is fantastic. And there is a lot more to it than “conversation snippets.” If you care about the future of the planet and want to feel inspired to do more, then give it a shot. My book club loved it (except one dude who didn’t finish it). I loved it. You should read it. 6 out of 5.

Who Goes There - John Campbell Have you seen the movie The Thing, starring Kurt Russell? This is the 1938 novella that it was based on. A story as old as time: ancient alien crash lands on Earth, gets frozen in ice, people discover it, bad things happen. My book club read this, watched the movie, then played one of the board games, also called Who Goes There. I didn’t love this short story (I’m not a fan of the classic era of sci-fi), but you might. Plus it’s foundational to so many other things, right? I mean how else are you going to play the board game based on it? 2 out of 5. 

Hyperion + Fall of Hyperion - Dan Simmons (both re-reads) - Hyperion is one of the best pieces of sci-fi out there: The gist is that each of the 7 pilgrims (no, 6? Het Masteen’s story never gets told) take turns telling the others why they’re on a pilgrimage to visit the “Time Tombs” (giant structures that flow BACKWARDS through time) and see The Shrike, an interdimensional metal demon. Come for the Starship Troopers-esque story of The Colonel, stay for the cyberpunk story of Brawne Lamia and swoon over the romance between her and an android version of John Keats. These two books have everything you could want in sci-fi story. 5 out of 5.

Amoralman - Derek Del Gaudio A superb piece of storytelling about a young man learning to become a card shark. To say much more would spoil it. And as great as the book is, definitely make sure to watch In & Of Itself first, which is a sort of off-Broadway live show that tells a similar story. He’s a showman, not a writer. 5 ouf to 5.

The White Box Essays - Jeremy Holcomb Probably the oddest one on this list. It’s a book of short essays about things to consider when designing a board game. I started reading it because I’m trying to design a board game with a friend, and the book made me really reconsider our approach. Worth reading if you’re designing a game. But also worth reading for the analogies for designing slide decks or doing creative work of any kind. 4 ouf of 5

Ursula K. Leguin - World of Exile and Illusion I’m probably cheating by adding this in because I think I started it over Christmas of 2020 and might have even wrapped all three books (Rocannon’s World, Planet Of Exile, City of Illusion) before New Years. They’re all part of the Hainish Cycle, but like the others, you don’t need to read them in any order. I can remember the plots pretty vividly, but more than that I can remember the haunting feeling I get when I remember them. They all deal with members of an advanced civilization colonising new worlds, how different these worlds can be, and how truly isolated we can be. 6 ouf of 5.

The Tiger - John Vaillant My friend Claudio popped this in the mail for me a few months ago, and it took me a while to pick it up. But when I did, I was glad I did. I could barely put it down. The book is the true story of a man-eating tiger in Siberia, and the men tasked with tracking it down. it’s partly a thrilling hunting story, partly a history book about Siberia, and partly a story about tigers and the Russian wilderness. It’s the same dude (and same style of storytelling!) as The Golden Spruce. 4 out of 5.

Cool Hand Luke - Donn Pearce - I saw the movie that was based on this book years and years ago, and have had enough fun referencing the egg-eating scene that I felt like I had to read the book. It tells the story of a chain gang at a work prison in Florida, and more specifically one of the inmates who was part of the gang who was a symbol of freedom for them. 4 out of 5.

The Dark Beyond The Stars - Frank Robinson (Not the Dark BETWEEN the Stars, which I started reading before realizing it was the wrong one, or the Dark Beyond The Stars, which is an anthology) Huge, depressing spaceships are my kind of sci-fi. Even better if they’re generation ships, and this one delivers. 100 generations into a fruitless journey to find life on other planets, the crew of the ship has to decide if they can risk another thousand generations on an even bigger journey. Or if they should try and return to the Earth that is only a distant memory. 4 out of 5.

Klara & The Sun - Kazuo Ishiguro Another selection for my book club. Not one I would have picked, though I really enjoyed it. The writing was beautiful, the story beautifully bittersweet. Who knew a robot could have so much emotion? Even as a devoted sci-fi fan, I didn’t. I’ll give it a 5 out of 5 as a piece of literature you should read. 

Look To Windward - Iain Banks I always recommend this as one of the books to start with if you want to get into Banks’ Culture books: the entire thing is essentially a travelogue about living on an Orbital: a 10,000km diameter ring on which people live in a post-scarcity world. 5 ouf of 5.

These books all get pretty high ratings. That’s because they’re the ones I finished. As much as I read this year, I probably gave up on more books. Have I got more discerning? Maybe.

If you made it this far you should donate to Books For Me. They are a local Vancouver charity that provides books to children who might not otherwise have access to them, encouraging them to build up their own library and start a lifetime of literacy. 

Six Of The Best Days Of My Life - Hiking The North Coast Trail

Last March my friend Dan messaged me to ask if I’d be down for spending a week hiking Vancouver Island’s North Coast Trail with two of his friends.

It was definitely the longest trip I’ve been on (six days and six days of hiking!).

Here are a few photo highlights.

A few minutes after we got dropped off by the boat at the start of the trail. We had hats with flaps and walkie-talkies: spirits were high.

One of our first campsites. Shortly after I took this photo, we saw a whale out in the water and wolves on the beach.

Sunset on the second night.

Ewa scoping out the ocean.

Lots of long days hiking on rocks like this. It’s tough going.

Hours and hours of this.

Beautiful shot of our tents by Ewa.

It wasn’t all cloudy weather!

Day…three? Four? Who even knows at this point.

Near the end.

All packed up and waiting for the boat to pick us up.

Pritch catching some Zs.

6 days. 80km and some amazing friends.

The Space Popes’ Finest: Sci-Fi Read and Rated By My Book Club

For the past few years, I’ve organized and hosted a Science-Fiction book club based out of Vancouver. Since the pandemic, we started meeting online and our membership base has grown to include people from San Francisco, Calgary, and Japan.

Every year we look back at the books and short stories we read as a group and give them a rating. People are always asking me for book reviews and what we’ve read, so I thought I’d add them all here.

A few notes on the scores:

  • Books are rated on a 1-10 scale, with 10 being the highest…except you can’t choose 7 ( I always feel that 7 is a sort of cop-out rating: “Yeah, I guess I liked it,” and forces people to take a side).

  • Not everyone in the group read all the same books, so the scores are from a variety of different people. On average, 6 people gave each book a score.

  • Most of the people in the group are self-described sci-fi fans.

  • We mostly tried to avoid books that were part of a series…but if you’ve ever read any sci-fi you’ll find that’s almost impossible.

Season 1 (2019)


Century Rain - Alastair Reynolds 5/10 - Reynolds is hit or miss for me….I loved his “House of Suns,” his Prefect books are decent…and I don’t like much else. This one included. It was a bit of a hodge-podge of a story about a version of Earth trapped in the past and one trapped in amber or something.

UBIK - Philip K. Dick 5/10 - Ubik is wild! A truly psychedelic PKD story, where psychic powers are the norm and you can use a phone to talk to your dead relatives. It starts off strong with some noir-ish detective elements, then goes a bit rogue with reality-changing spray. Not widely loved by my book club, but a classic and worth reading.

Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. LeGuin 4/10* - Goodreads calls it “groundbreaking,” my book club thought it was a bit plodding. It was my introduction to Ursula K. Le Guin’s Hainish books, which are all worth reading. The general plot is that an Envoy of the Ekumen (like, the Federation from Star Trek, maybe?) visits a planet on which there is only one gender. It sounds like a bit of a gimmick but ends up being more of an exploration of gender and relationships. I loved it and gave it a 9/10.

Europe in Autumn - Dave Hutchinson 5.2/10 - An alternate-history Europe with spies and countries the width of train tracks. I don’t think I loved the book when I first read it, but it’s slowly growing on me as I think back to the intricacies of the plot and Cold War-era world-building.

Player of Games - Iain Banks 6.6/10 - Imagine if there was a planet where everything was decided by a giant game of Catan. Well, that’s the Empire of Azad, and it is where The Culture sends their best game player. A good introduction to Culture books, and a great standalone story.

Fall or Dodge in Hell - Neal Stephenson 4.2/10 - An epically long book that needed an editor. It was basically two books in one, with parallel stories. If you have any interest in mythology or the metaverse, this book is for you. If you like short, tight stories then this book definitely isn’t for you.

House of Suns - Alastair Reynolds - 7.8/10 (Season 1 “Book of the Year” winner) - This might be my favourite sci-fi book: a woman clones herself into a thousand “shatterlings,” who go forth and explore the local galaxy. Every 50,000 years or so, these clones meet up and share memories with each other. Two of them fall in love, meet a handsome robot, and uncover some of the greatest mysteries facing their galaxy. Big, fun concepts. Big, crazy ships. Epic scales. 11/10.

Short Stories:

Pop Art - Joe Hill 7.6/10 (Season 1 “Short Story of the Year” winner (tie)) - Short story, short review: Boy meets balloon boy.

New Rose Hotel - William Gibson 6/10 Corporate espionage in a cyberpunk world. Read it so you can make sense of the movie starting Christopher Walken and Wilhelm Dafoe!

The Last Question Isaac Asimov 7/10 A sci-fi classic.

I have no mouth and I must scream - Harlan Ellison - 5.5/10 This one creeped me out. It was weird.

Paper Menagerie - Ken Liu 7.6/10 (Season 1 “Short Story of the Year” winner (tie)) Sci-fi? Maybe not. Fantastic? Absolutely. Try not to cry.

Season 2 (2020)


Dawn - Octavia Butler 7.6/10 Aliens abduct the last survivors of Earth and…strange things happen.

Spin - Robert Charles Wilson 8.1/10 (Season 2 “Book of the Year” Winner) Imagine if one day the stars just disappeared, and it was like there was a giant dome over Earth. That’s Spin, and it is definitely worth reading.

Dhalgren - Sam Delaney 3.2/10 I could not read this book. Only one person from our book club got anywhere in it…and I can see why. One reviewer on GoodReads referred to it as “Everest”

10,000 Doors of January - Alex Harrow 4/10 - A young girl finds a book in a big, weird mansion. Mystery unfolds (I actually don’t think I finished it?).

A Fire Upon The Deep - Vernor Vinge 5.7/10 Big, sprawling sci-fi story that plays with time scales and technology levels in an interesting way.

Short stories:

The Mercurial - Kim Stanley Robinson 6.6/10 Mystery on Mercury. Probably only worth it for devoted KSR fans.

The Island - Peter Watts - 8.8/10 (Season 2 “Short story of the year” winner) - Part of his “Sunflower Cycle” of books: Spaceship of wormhole-builders barely outrunning the horrors behind them comes across something bigger (and smarter?) than them.

Key Performance indicators - Random blog - 7.1/10 - I have no idea where to find this one.

The Tactful Saboteur - Frank Herbert 5.3/10 I just read the Wikipedia article about this, and I’m like “really??” I’m not sure I was paying attention the first time I read it.

Season 3 (2021)

We didn’t do ratings for Season 3, but here’s a list of what we read:

Hyperion - Dan Simmons - A classic of the modern sci-fi pantheon. : The gist is that each of the 7 pilgrims (no, 6? Het Masteen’s story never gets told) take turns telling the others why they’re on a pilgrimage to visit the “Time Tombs” (giant structures that flow BACKWARDS through time) and see The Shrike, an interdimensional metal demon. Come for the Starship Troopers-esque story of The Colonel, stay for the cyberpunk story of Brawne Lamia, and swoon over the romance between her and an android version of John Keats. These two books have everything you could want in sci-fi story.

Klara and The Sun - Kazuo Ishiguro - Beautiful story about an android.

The Only Good Indians - Stephen Graham Jones A spookier book chosen by my book club to read in the weeks leading up to Halloween. I crushed the entire thing over two days while visiting my family on Vancouver Island, partially because I had the time but partially because it is very well written. Give it a read if you’re ready for creeping horror written by an indigenous author.

Ministry For The Future - Kim Stanley Robinson I’ll preface this review by saying that I am a HUGE fan of KSR, and actually put off reading this book until I was “ready,” that’s how stoked I was for it. Then I forced it on my book club to read it as one of our official selections, though it’s tough to categorize it as a traditional fiction book. There are characters, sure. But the main character is climate change. And the story is told in snippets of conversation, shorthand meeting notes, and scientific journal entries. One entire chapter is just a list of the names of social media accounts for (fictional) conservation organizations. I’m probably not doing a great job of selling this book, but it actually is fantastic. And there is a lot more to it than “conversation snippets.” If you care about the future of the planet and want to feel inspired to do more, then give it a shot. My book club loved it (except one dude who didn’t finish it). I loved it. You should read it.

What else?

We occasionally do short story contests within the group (you can see the results of one of them here), and we support Books For Me! as our charity of choice:

Books for Me! is a non-profit Society and a registered charity based in Vancouver. For many families, buying children's books just isn't possible. Books for Me! provides children from these families an opportunity to build their own libraries for free. Our program comes to life as children choose their own book to take home and keep.

You should check them out (and give them a donation) on the Books For Me! Vancouver website.

Needle Peak

A few months ago, when the weather was nicer and the Covid restrictions weren’t as severe, I hiked Needle Peak near Hope, BC with Ty and Backcountry Pete.

In standard Ty style, we didn’t take the easy route: This view is after an hour or so of bushwhacking to get to the summit of Markhor Peak. You can see our destination - Needle Peak as the peak in this photo.

In standard Ty style, we didn’t take the easy route: This view is after an hour or so of bushwhacking to get to the summit of Markhor Peak. You can see our destination - Needle Peak as the peak in this photo.

Markhor Peak, seen after we scrambled down this face. it wasn’t as steep as this looks…but it also wasn’t easy.

Markhor Peak, seen after we scrambled down this face. it wasn’t as steep as this looks…but it also wasn’t easy.

Same spot as previous photo, just now facing our objective: Needle Peak. We followed that ridge line more or less all the way up, and I had at least one hand on the rocks at all times. Thanks to Ty and Pete for navigating and getting me through a fe…

Same spot as previous photo, just now facing our objective: Needle Peak. We followed that ridge line more or less all the way up, and I had at least one hand on the rocks at all times. Thanks to Ty and Pete for navigating and getting me through a few of the trickier spots! In the foreground of this photo you can see Pete.

Summit smiles

Summit smiles

The crew after having a beer and hiking part of the way down.

The crew after having a beer and hiking part of the way down.

It was a pretty good day out there, though I don’t think I’d recommend the route we did unless you know what you’re doing. And I’m not sure I could even find it again. The easy way up, and route of our descent, can be found here.

Thanks again for the great adventure day, Ty and Pete! Always good being in the mountains with you guys.