Toronto Uncovered

Wanted: Toronto Bloggers

Some of you may have noticed Ive been quieter than usual on BlogCampaigning. This is because I was neck deep in a site redesign and overhaul of my blog, Toronto Uncovered. Check it out if you haven't already, and let me know what you think. I'm still working out a few kinks, but suggestions and feedback are always welcome! Toronto Uncovered!

One of the main features of the new design is to add visibility and prominence to different categories on the main page and in the menu bar. I'm hoping to grow out different sections and increase the amount and variety of content that readers have to choose from. I can't do this alone—I need help! I'm looking for Torontonians who have something to say and need somewhere to say it. Come forward and help me uncover Toronto's good, bad, and ugly. If you have a unique idea for a section that you want to take charge of, or just have a lot to say on one current category, let me know!

This is open to anyone who lives in Toronto, newcomer or born 'n raised; all opinions and perspectives are welcome. You can contact me at or via Twitter at @hmorrison.