PDF’s Chronicle: 2008 – Who’s ahead online?

We continue to follow Micha L. Sifry’s chronicle on how US presidential candidates are doing in terms of bottom-up support for their campaigns online.

These are the latest updates (all facts collected by PDF): The Democratic candidate who showed the most growth in online grassroots support, as measured by trends in the number of friends they have on their MySpace page and in incoming blog posts to their campaign site the latest week was Richardson.

Obama appears to be continuing to collecting friends online in MySpace.

In the blogosphere, Team Hillary has been spending heavily on ads inviting readers to join her "conversation" (an example can be found on Mydd), this has given bloggers a lot to talk about, and link to. Her incoming link total was up a healthy 60% in just one week, compared to 31% for Edwards and 19% for Obama.

Note: E-campaign experts have suggested that a more important measure than what was used in Srfry’s previous posts is how the campaigns are doing with local blogs in the early primary states, and that we'll find a lot more Republicans online there.

Also, check out Blog P.I’s post Honorable Mentions: Where the 2008 Candidates Stand Today.

Links to Sifry’s first two articles can be found here and here.