BlogCampaigning announces RELAUNCH!

OK, here it is: the new version of BlogCampaigning.

It took more time than we originally thought it would to figure out CSS, but luckily we are blessed with the skills of our excellent editor and site manager, Parker Mason, so the blog should work and look better than ever.

We have, as some of you might have noticed already, gotten a new domain, The old one is still working, but you might want to change the URL to our new one if you are reading the blog through a feed reader.

We promise to continue to bring you the latest news on how social media are affecting the world of politics, public relations and the marketing industry. And we will continue our work to make this blog a hub for people that are interested in discussing and learning more about online communication in the 21st century.

We are also hoping to add a few more writers to the team in the coming weeks, so watch out!

Please let us know if you like BlogCampaigning’s new look, hate BlogCampaigning’s new look or have ideas about how we can make the blog better for the purposes we aim to achieve. We still have a few minor housekeeping items to take care of, and it will always be a work in progress

We appreciate your interest.

Best wishes from the BlogCampaigning crew, and thanks for being a part of my education.

Espen Skoland

BlogCampaigning Founder